MHG4836 - Battle Site, Blar Mhilleadh-Garaidh


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Type and Period (1)

  • BATTLE SITE (Undated)

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  • None recorded

Full Description

Blar Mhilleadh-garaidh (Site of Conflict between the Mcleods and Macdonalds) (NAT)
OS 6"map, Inverness-shire, 2nd ed., (1904)

The fiercest and bloodiest of the many battles between the Macdonalds and the Macleods was fought at a place called Ardmore, on the beach below the old church of Trumpan (NG26SW 3).
Many of the Macleods were assembled in this church when it was attacked and fired by the Macdonalds, destroying all within it. However, before the Macdonalds could take to their boats they were beset by other Macleods who took full revenge.
The Macdonald dead were ranged along a wall which was then thrown down over the bodies, hence the name 'Blar Milleadh Garaidh' - The Battle of the Destruction of the Dike. Whatever the accuracy of the derivation of the name, large quantities of bones are still to be seen at Milleadh Garaidh on turning over loose stones with which the ground is covered. NSA (written by Rev A Clerk - 1841) 1845.

Millegearraidh - Site of Battle between the MacLeods and the MacDonalds, AD 1570.
Information from J McInnes, School of Scottish Studies.

Of the two major battles fought between the MacLeods and the MacDonalds in the Waternish section of Skye in the period 1530-1540, an earlier date than some historians have given (1570), but now considered by most as correct, Milleadh Garaidh was the first, and the site is not in dispute (but see NG26SW 7 for second battle).
Information contained in letter from A C McLeod MD, 203 Evelyn Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NG 2180 6079 (50m by 50m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG26SW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish DUIRINISH

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