MHG53477 - Cup marked outcrop - NNW of Rogie Farm (19)


Cup marked outcrop at Rogie Farm (4 of 12)

Type and Period (1)

  • CUP AND RING MARKED STONE (Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 4000 BC? to 1501 BC?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded

Full Description

A large flat outcrop of rock on the east end of the knoll has 16 cups on it. This is one a group of twelve stones mostly situated on two knolls. All the stones in this group will be recorded in detail as part of the Ross-shire Rock Art project taking place 2009-2011. <1>

This panel was recorded as part of the ScRAP (Scotland’s Rock Art project) by members of NoSAS in May 2017. The panel is located on the top of a rocky outcrop at the east end of an east-west ridge. The ground falls away sharply to the east, and a flat-surfaced slab slopes steeply to the south. The ground is relatively level to the west and north. It is surrounded by trees, some very densely planted, and some were (with permission) cut back to make it visible. There is a large oak tree immediately to the south. The panel Rogie Farm 18 is about 15m to the southwest and is an extension of the flat slab sloping to the south. Rogie Farm 77 is roughly 50m away (very difficult to judge in dense forest), much lower and to the southeast. Note: There is no easy access to this panel, which is in young but almost impenetrable forest. From the S near the level crossing the ground is steep. From the north it is less steep, but further. In both cases it was necessary to cut branches from the trees to access this panel.

The exposed area of rock extends for about 6m east-west and about 2.5m north-south. The east end is a low cliff, the west end is much less distinct and the rock surface disappears under vegetation. There are 8 distinct cups and 2 indistinct ones on the main rock surface. One of the cups has a faint ring. A triangular section of rock, separated by deep cracks , has two grooves and an indistinct cup. There is one further cup towards the west end of the panel. Close by that cup is an intrusion of granitic material, coarse crystals of quartz and mica being most prominent. <2>

NGR adjusted based on 2021 vertical aerial photographs. <3>

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NH 43968 59821 (7m by 7m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH45NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish FODDERTY

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