MHG54451 - Rock shelter - Soulmarksie


A well constructed rock shelter of uncertain date.

Type and Period (1)

  • ROCK SHELTER (Unknown date)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

This rock shelter (033) was recorded by the North of Scotland Archaeological Society in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past project. This rock shelter is situated at NH 38458 58027, 200m to the west of the Loch Luichart Dam amongst large boulders on a steep SE facing slope, above and just 60m from the farmstead of Soulmarksie. The rock shelter is a bit of a mystery and difficult to interpret. The stonework is very fine and more reminiscent of older monuments such as brochs and chambered cairns. The chamber of this rock shelter lies under a large flat boulder, 8m x 3.5m. It is on NE-SW axis and measures 3m x 2.5m internally. Access is gained by a small passage at the back of the rock. The rock forming the roof slopes from N to S and the chamber is 1.5m at its highest part (the north end) but grades away to the south side where there are just a few gaps which allow light in. The back and side walls are constructed of very regular well made stone work and curve neatly round the corners. One large in-situ boulder makes up part of the wall. Access to the chamber is gained by a short stone lined passage roughly 1.5m in length and 0.9m x 0.7m which descends from above. The external aperture appears as a pit, 1m x 0.7m at the rear of the boulder and the internal aperture in the north wall of the chamber has a flat step or slab at a height of 0.5m. <1>

This site was first notified to the HER in April 2007 by Meryl Marshall of NOSAS and was visited and photographed by Kirsty Cameron, HC Archaeologist. Whilst the shelter has the appearance of a prehistoric monument it could well be of later construction. In the absence of dating evidence the date of this feature remains unknown. <2>

Douglas Scott submitted photographs of this rock shelter in March 2011. <3>

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NH 3845 5802 (20m by 20m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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