MHG54514 - Buildings, enclosures, improved land and cultivation terrace - Middle Glen Marksie (Gleann Marcasaidh)


Buildings, enclosures, improved land, cultivation terrace at Middle Glen Marksie

Type and Period (3)

  • BUILDING (Undated)
  • ENCLOSURE (Undated)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

Middle Glen Marksie

These sites were recorded by NOSAS as part of an archaeological survey of Strathconon. 1 kilometre west of the Loch Luichart Dam centred on NH 37618 58150 in the lower reaches of Gleann Marcasaidh, on its north side, this extensive grassy south facing slope has 2, possibly 3, large enclosures, several smaller enclosures and 3 buildings, with a possible track in the form of double earthwall. A few clearance cairns are to be seen.

264 Building - NH 37657 58083 - At the east end of the area and at an altitude of 188m, on a steep slope, this rectangular building is on a SE- NW axis and has internal measurements of 7m x 2m. The stone footings are almost complete, 0.3m in height and 0.8m in
thickness. The east end has rounded corners but the west is squared and the footings here are much more roughly constructed indicating a possible outshot at this end.

265 Earthbanks/Old track - NH 37515 58080 (west end) to NH 37629 58048 (east end) Two incomplete parallel earth banks which contour around the hill for approximately 150m are roughly 7 to 8m apart, although there is a narrower part at the E end. The lower one is the more substantial and is 1m in height in places; it has enclosures 289 and 290 abutting to the S. This S earthbank together with earthbank 298 may form a larger enclosure to the south which extends down to the river and which is cut by the present track. The north bank defines the south limit of enclosure 294. A smaller enclosure 293 abuts in the west. The walls are truncated at the east end by the fence and the plantation in which are several probable sheep enclosures.

267 Enclosure/Cultivation remains - NH 37475 58180 On a broad well drained grassy knoll this area is roughly 150m x 130m. Remnants of an earth bank surround. Broad lynchets can be seen particularly in the SW part where they descend the hill on a SW-NE axis and are as much as 1m in height. In the NE part they run in a WNW-ESE direction. 289 Enclosure - NH 37651 58071 The enclosure lies to the south of the old track/double wall 265 and may have been truncated by the construction of the fence and stone wall to the east. Two sides of a possible small triangular enclosure, measuring internally 9m x 8m are seen just to the west of the fence. The N earthbank is recessed and 1.5m high, it continues east into the wood. The SW bank is 0.3m high and has some stone composition. Within the S corner of the enclosure there is a circular depression 1.3m in diameter and 0.4m deep with the remains of a low stone wall surrounding it.

290 Enclosure - NH 37629 58043 Small enclosure on an E-W axis abutting the double earth banks 265 to the north. Measures 15m x 7m, N wall is substantial and 1m high. E and E part of S walls are missing. Nettles grow in the E part.

291 Building - NH 37621 58065 The remains of this small building are more of a platform on an E-W axis and measuring 4m x 1.5m. There are low walls with some stone composition around the edge.

292 Building - NH 37613 58067 A possible building on an E-W axis, just 10m to the west of 290, is represented by its west and SW stone walls to a height of 0.5m. Internal dimensions are 7m x 3.5m.

293 Enclosure - NH 37601 58073 A small enclosure on a NW-SE axis measuring roughly 20m x 8m. N wall recessed into hillside. Abuts the old trackway 265 to south.

294 Enclosure - NH 37613 58075 This steep and stony enclosure has the remains of an earth wall to the west beside a small stream and to the NW. To the south it abuts the double earth wall 265. 3 buildings are located within.

298 Earthwall - Forms the west wall of a large enclosure which occupies the lower valley floor to the stream. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NH 3753 5810 (271m by 306m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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