MHG54519 - Building/shieling, enclosure - Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne


Building/shieling, enclosure at Upper Glen Marksie, Allt A'ghlinne

Type and Period (3)

  • ENCLOSURE (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • SHIELING (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • CLEARANCE CAIRN (Medieval - 1058 AD? to 1559 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

An enclosure, earth wall and building, centred on NH 35695 58111 were recorded by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project, and lie five kilometres west of the Loch Luichart Dam on a SE facing slope on the north side of the upper glen at an altitude of 220m. The site comprises a sub-circular enclosure the wasted remains of a (possibly earlier) wall and small building adjacent.

300 Enclosure - NH 35695 58111 (northwest wall). This enclosure is marked on the OS 1:25,000 map. It is roughly 80m x 60m. The remains of the surrounding stone walls are low and unbroken. There are 12 substantial clearance cairns within the enclosure.

327 Earth wall - abutting the NW wall of the above enclosure there are the remains of an earth wall heading off in a NW direction, it continues for 50m or so then turns west and abuts the building 302. It is almost certainly the remains of an earlier enclosure.

302 Building/Sheiling - NH 35653 58135 A small rectangular building on an E-W axis lies on top of a knoll to the NW of the previous 2 enclosures. Internal dimensions 3.5m x 3m. The walls have some stones are very low and covered with heather. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NH 3569 5811 (138m by 107m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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