MHG54526 - Hut circle - Sgeir Claigan, Skye


A hut circle at Sgeir Claigan, Skye.

Type and Period (2)

  • HUT CIRCLE (Neolithic to Late Iron Age - 4000 BC? to 560 AD?)
  • CAIRNFIELD (Undated)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

A hut circle at Sgeir Claigan, Skye. The southern (first) of the two recorded.

Two hut circles are situated on rough but reasonably level ground close to an area of arable land, 60m above sea level. The first (S) hut circle is at NG 23445 54650 and measures approximately 11.5m in diameter. The second (N) hut circle lies 10m to the N at NG 23445 54660 and measures 9m in diameter. It is less distinct than the first and was spotted from the cliff ledge above, in good light, when the vegetation was low. The centres of both hut circles are soft and mossy, and they appear to have a hard surface approximately 0.5m below ground level. Inside the first (S) one, there are clumps (post positions?) spaced 1.5m apart. There is a group of small cairns some 20m to the S (centred on NG 23440 54625), mostly very low and best seen in low light from above. Information from Marjorie MacInnes, August 2010. <1>

GIS spatial data amended in 2019 according to location of feature as seen on 2009 vertical APs. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NG 2344 5465 (18m by 18m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG25SW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish DUIRINISH

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