MHG54815 - Possible sheilings - Cnoc A'chonaisg, Scatwell


Two small buildings, possible sheilings and earth banks

Type and Period (3)

  • BUILDING (Undated)
  • TURF WALL (Undated)
  • SHIELING (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

The buildings and earthworks to the west of Scatwell Farm were surveyed by NOSAS as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project.
Buildings and earthbanks (Cnoc a’ Chonaisg/Glascharn) centred on NH 3893 5637 500m to the west of Scatwell Farm, this is an area of rough grassland, birch and bog at the foot of the Meig gorge.

134 A series of earthbanks on marginal land to the SW:
A - on a NW-SE axis 140m in length, ends to the SE (GR NH 38931 56373) in an intersection of banks in a saddle and at the N end abuts B
B - Earthbank on an E-W axis 200m in length in boggy ground

135 Building - NH38934 56442 on a NE-SW axis, this rectangular building has internal measurements of 6mx2m. It has raised turf banks, rounded ends and there may be an entrance in its NW side. There is a drainage ditch external to its west end. It is covered by bracken.

136 Building/possible Sheiling - NH 38867 56418 This building also is on a NE-SW axis. Its internal area appears as a depressed oval, measuring of 4m x 1.5m. The NW bank is 0.4m in height and has a spread of 3m.

137 Turf cuttings - NH 38856 56293 an area of turf cutting in the birch wood to the south of 135 and 136. Measures 22m x 21m. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NH 3890 5635 (142m by 193m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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