MHG54831 - Lade, dam - Scatwell House


Lade, dam

Type and Period (2)

  • MILL DAM (Undated)
  • LADE (Undated)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

RCAHMS Canmore description:
An earthen dam and mill lade (NOSAS site survey No 145A & B) - centred on NH 3978 5571. This is almost certainly the original dam and lade associated with the township of Milltown of Scatwell. The dam has possibly been enhanced as part of later garden improvements. At its lower N end the lade has been disturbed within the area of the Scatwell policies and in particular proximity to the East Lodge. No evidence of a mill survives.
Further details of these and other associated sites can be found in the Strathconon Phase 1 Report (pages 49,50) produced by the North of Scotland Archaeology Society and appended to this record. <1>

The dam and lade was surveyed by NOSAS in 2007 as part of the Scotland's Rural Past Project.

145 Dam and lade This is almost certainly the original dam and lade associated with the township of Milltown of Scatwell. The dam has possibly been enhanced as part of later garden improvements. At the lower/north end of the lade, and close to the road, there has been considerable disturbance in connection with the Scatwell policies and in particular East Lodge. No evidence of a mill survives.
A Dam - NH 39847 55525 350m to the south of Scatwell House and c450m and to the WSW of the site of the original township of Milltown of Scatwell. A small burn (originally tapped for the hydro-scheme) feeds the pond, but the main Allt a Mhuillin has been diverted to run eastward down the Allt Dubh. This diversion was probably achieved at the time of the construction of Scatwell House and its policies in 1850 as part of 50 attempts to improve the drainage of the area as it is marked on the 1st edition OS survey of 1872. The earth dam, 50m long and 3m thick, is at the east end of a small artificial pond, 200m square and now partly silted
B Lade is approx 200m in length and running east from the east end of the pond on the south bank of the natural watercourse. It is cut into the hillside and built out on its north/down side by an embankment of random boulders up to 1.5m in height and 1.5m in thickness. The lade turns and follows a northerly direction, descending steeply down to the line of the former burn, the bank at this point is composed of larger boulders. The boundary wall, 144, crosses the lade at NH 39952 55555. A well made track follows the line of the formerburn on its north side from the dam to ?Scatwell House. It is 2m in width. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NH 3993 5555 (192m by 58m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH35NE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish CONTIN

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