MHG56947 - WWI Naval hospital staff quarters - Invergordon


Staff quarters for a former WWI naval hospital, constructed close to a WWI army camp to the immediate northwest of Invergordon.

Type and Period (2)

  • DOCTORS HOSTEL (First World War - 1914 AD? to 1918 AD?)
  • NURSES HOSTEL (First World War - 1914 AD? to 1918 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

Staff quarters for a former WWI naval hospital, constructed close to a WWI army camp to the immediate northwest of Invergordon.

According to the First World War map of the Invergordon Naval Base (held in a private collection) the hospital comprised the main building, which is still extant, and an observation hut to the rear. To the W of the existing building were the staff quarters and the ward to the rear. Two further buildings lie to the N of the ward. The 4th edition of the OS 6-inch map shows the main hospital building as a school. During the Second World War a map (held in a private collection) shows the building became HMS Flora, with an air raid shelter to the rear.
Information from HS/RCAHMS World War One Audit Project (GJB) and (AKK) 2 August 2013.

A project to characterise the quantity and quality of the Scottish resource of known surviving remains of the First World War. Carried out in partnership between Historic Scotland and RCAHMS. <1>

The site was investigated in 2015 as part of the ARCH project 'Invergordon in World War I'. This building is labelled 'Staff Quarters' on the WWI plan. The contemporary aerial photograph shows a long single storey wooden structure. It does not appear in the 1930 aerial photograph. An aerial photograph shows that the other buildings around the main building were single storey wooden huts. <2>

At least three versions of a WWI Naval plan survive, two in private collection which probably date to wartime, and one in the National Archives (MPI 1/641/4) which dates to 1921. On all three the buildings taken over or built by the Navy are shaded, but there are a few discrepancies between the plans. One of the plans in private collection has enlarged details, but only shows the Admiralty buildings and not others in the town. Valuation Rolls also indicate some buildings not shaded on our plans were taken over by the military. It is clear from contemporary photographs that the army built additional buildings, particularly north of Cromlet Drive. <3>

See MHG56916 for general record for the hospital site.

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NH 7053 6871 (29m by 19m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH76NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish ROSSKEEN

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