MHG58181 - Cave, Ràrsaidh


Cave, Ràrsaidh

Type and Period (1)

  • CAVE (Unknown date)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

These sites were recorded by NOSAS in 2008/9 as part of an archaeological survey of outer Loch Hourn.

Ràrsaidh is a large area with a long and complex history. The present day Ràrsaidh Cottage lies within Rarsaybeg, and it appears as roofed on the OS 1st edition map of 1872. The 1st edition map also shows one roofed building close to the shore on Rarsay, along with several unroofed buildings. Ràrsaidh was apparently cleared in 1849 (English 2000, 287). Roy, in the mid 18th century, shows a small enclosed settlement of 5 buildings at Torr an Aoil, with rig and furrow on both sides of the Ràrsaidh Burn, though nothing where Ràrsaidh Cottage stands today. The 1808 map suggests a park close to the shore within Rarsay shieling, though no buildings are shown, as well as a small park close to the shore at Rarsaybeg with one building.

Site 1446. An inhabitable cave, located 80m back from the shore. It is triangular in shape, measuring 7m in depth and 2.5m high. The floor is covered in shells (limpet, mussel, cockle and oyster), small bones, pottery sherds, and broken bottles. Ivy and black spleenwort is visible growing out of the back wall of the cave. A wall, which measures 7m long x 5m high x 1.2m, defines the lip of cave; the remaining gap at the W end has been closed by a pallet, draped in carpet felt. There are traces of fire inside the cave near this walling. A levelled talus spread, covered in nettles, extends 10m beyond the mouth of the cave. <1>

Note; Site not visible on AP’s so location approximate. (T Blackie 12/7/18)

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred NG 8059 1188 (10m by 10m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG81SW
Civil Parish GLENELG
Geographical Area LOCHABER

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