MHG58435 - Cultivation remains, Sgamadail (west)


Cultivation remains, Sgamadail (west)

Type and Period (1)

  • RIG AND FURROW (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

Sgamadail (west)
These sites were recorded by NOSAS in 2008/9 as part of an archaeological survey of outer Loch Hourn.

Sgamadail is a place of two halves, referred to here as ‘east’ and ‘west’ for convenience. In the latter 18th century, they were known as ‘the two Sgamadails’ and were held - along with ‘the two Croulins’ - by the same person (Munro 1984). Both Sgamadails are sited on outwash fans, spreads of boulders and earth carried down by melt water from the corries above at the end of the last Ice Age (plates 22 and 25). The outwash fans around Loch Hourn do not appear to have been the first choice for settlement, but following the settlement of the fertile valleys like Glen Mor, Glen Beag and Glen Arnisdale, population pressure eventually led to the occupation of the outwash fans. Plenty of building material was available, while the soil in the pockets between the stone is mineral rich. With a huge amount of hard work removing stones, outwash is capable of being cultivated in plots of rig and furrow or as small terraces.

The Sgamadails are typical of a dozen or more similar settlements around the shores of the loch, apparently progressing from summer shielings to permanent settlements. Having said this, the first settlement at Sgamadail (east) might go back to prehistoric times, as two circular recessed platforms were discovered about 200m inland, at an altitude of about 100m OD (Sites 1283, 1284).

Site 1294. Two roughly parallel cultivation terraces, each c.4-5m in width and measuring c.20m x 20m overall, located on a ENE facing steep spur at 100m OD. Each terrace has stones along its edge and they are divided by a drop of 3m. Their grass and bracken cover stands out on a heathery hillside <1>

NGR adjusted based on 1999-2001 AP’s <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NG 7962 0969 (54m by 63m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG70NE
Civil Parish GLENELG
Geographical Area LOCHABER

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