MHG59142 - Engine House - Coast Battery, Site No. 1, North Sutor


Possible engine house associated with the First World War Site No. 1, 9.2 inch Battery.

Type and Period (1)

  • BATTERY ENGINE HOUSE? (First World War - 1914 AD to 1918 AD)

Protected Status

Full Description

A possible engine house lies at the E end of the site near the cliff edge, close to the metal boundary fence. A platform has been created but cutting into the steep slope and the spoil used to create a terrace. The W end of the concrete hut base had three plinths with metal fixings which suggests an engine. The rest of the building was covered in gorse and further investigation was impossible.
Visited by RCAHMS (AKK) 7 August 2013. <1>

GIS spatial data copied from data supplied by AKK from the RCAHMS World War One Survey Project. <2>

The North Sutor camps, batteries and associated buildings and features were scheduled by Historic Environment Scotland with effect from 26/03/2019. <3>

For other installations associated with the First World War (Site No. 1) 9.2 inch battery site, see also MHG35176, MHG35177, MHG35179, MHG35183, MHG46670, MHG59897, MHG59148, MHG59175.

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NH 8228 6898 (10m by 9m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH86NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish NIGG

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Investigations/Events (0)

External Links (2)

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