MHG59480 - Shieling hut and enclosure - Gleann Goibhre, Kilmorack


Shieling hut and associated enclosure at Gleann Goibhre, Kilmorack

Type and Period (2)

  • SHIELING HUT (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • ENCLOSURE (Medieval to 19th Century - 1058 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

The Gleann Goibhre shieling site was surveyed by NOSAS members in 2002 and 2016 . The site lies to the south of the Allt Goibhre, on a north facing terrace at a height of 300m. A pipeline with parallel track traverse the south part of the site and its construction may well have destroyed some features of the site. The site comprises the remains of 34 structures and a possible enclosing bank.

Shieling hut 14. Rectangular and on a NE-SW axis and roughly measuring 10m x 2m, this shieling hut slopes towards the north where it opens onto a small stream but with no end wall. NW wall is recessed into the slope. Defining wall on the southeast side is 0.3m in height and more obvious at its south end. Two large boulders form S end. <1> <2>

NGR adjusted based on 2009 aerial photographs <3>

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NH 4027 4794 (10m by 10m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH44NW
Civil Parish KILMORACK
Geographical Area INVERNESS

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