MHG60224 - Farmstead - Bad na h'Achlaise


The earlier farmstead at Bad na h'Achlaise.

Type and Period (1)

  • FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded

Full Description

An archaeological desktop and walkover survey were undertaken by Historic Assynt in 2015 in an area of proposed woodland expansion in Glencanisp, Lochinver, Sutherland.

Site 15: Bad na h'Achlaise; FCS category B. The earlier of two farmsteads, this unrecorded site lies outwith the main area of improved ground on a terrace east of burn which forms the boundary of the original shieling ground. A large byre-house, over 20m long internally, is somewhat hidden by a later, almost square, structure which has been built over the southern end of the byre, using material robbed from the house walls, and partly obscuring the dividing wall between domestic area and byre. The byre was the lower, north end of the house with a central drain and an entrance in the west wall. The main entrance to the domestic end of the house was also on the west. The scale and construction of the house suggests a late eighteenth century date. The later superimposed structure was probably associated with site 16. It has no obvious entrance. 7m northwest of the longhouse at NC 12292 20989 a small outbuilding, 5 x 2.5m internally, is sited on a small knoll beside the burn and is probably contemporary with the long-house. <1>

This farmstead at Bad na h'Achlaise appears to have preceded a better preserved feature to the south (see MHG18781) and was recorded by members of Historic Assynt. The sub-rectangular longhouse is partially disguised by a later structure built over part of it and using stone from it. The longhouse was aligned N - S and was originally almost 20m long x 3.60m internally divided in half by a partition wall. The byre end lies to the north and the drain is still visible. Its north wall is on the edge of a steep slope and has been buttressed to the west. The rectangular structure overlying the longhouse is 2.70m long positioned over the southern end of the byre. It utilises the east and west walls of the longhouse and the northern half of the partition wall. A small outbuilding (5 x 2.5m) lies 7m to the northwest and is almost oval and built much more crudely than the longhouse. Home's survey records the farmland as a shieling but does not record these structures which probably post date his survey. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)


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    HER data © Highland Council
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Grid reference Centred NC 1229 2099 (21m by 30m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NC12SW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish ASSYNT
Unitary Authority HIGHLAND

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