MHG62285 - Farmstead or small settlement? - N of Allt Goibhre


A farmstead or small settlement to the north of the Allt Goibhre.

Type and Period (5)

  • FARMSTEAD? (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • BUILDING (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • ENCLOSURE (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • SETTLEMENT? (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • DYKE (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

A farmstead or small settlement to the north of the Allt Goibhre.

The features are most visible on vertical aerial photographs take in 2015. The site comprises at least two rectangular buildings with associated dykes and earthworks, some of which may form enclosures, but some are difficult to interpret. <1>

A walkover survey was carried out by West Coast Archaeological Services in 2021 on behalf of Treeline Forestry Limited and Fairburn Estate in advance of proposed woodland creation schemes.

The stone and boulders footings of a long building with two compartments and a stone and turf footing of a possible earlier phase of the structure. Aligned SW-NE, with dyke Site 95 attached to the SW end, the building has been crossed at its northeast end by the post and wire deer fence defining the southeast side of the survey area. The southwest compartment measures 7.5m long x 3.0m wide internally with walls 0.7m wide and 0.2>1.2m high, with no visible entrance due to extensive robbing of the walls on the southeast side. The northeast compartment is 11.5m long x 3.0m wide internally with walls 0.7m wide and standing 0.2>0.7m wide. There is a possible central entrance located in the southeast wall, but is poorly-defined due to robbing of the walls. Some very large boulders have been used in the construction of the walls. A more degraded and probable earlier phase of the building is visible at the notheast end, where low turf and stone footings spread 0.8>1.2m wide and standing 0.2>0.4m high define a space 16.2m long x 3.2m wide. There is no visible entrance, but there is a possible partition wall. The modern post and wire fence runs through the northeast end of this earlier phase of the structure where it has removed a part of the wall/bank. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NH 4664 5035 (142m by 150m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH45SE
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish URRAY

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