MHG62335 - Shieling huts and associated features - near Loch Nam Bonnach


A group of shieling huts and associated features near Loch Nam Bonnach.

Type and Period (4)

  • SHIELING HUT? (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? (at some time) to 1900 AD? (at some time))
  • PLATFORM? (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? (at some time) to 1900 AD? (at some time))
  • DAIRY? (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? (at some time) to 1900 AD? (at some time))
  • SHIELING SETTLEMENT? (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? (at some time) to 1900 AD? (at some time))

Protected Status

  • None recorded

Full Description

A group of shieling huts and associated features near Loch Nam Bonnach.

The features were identified during a survey by NoSAS on the lower slopes of a ridge of higher ground near Loch Nam Bonnach in 2021. A total of 20 structures on this slope were identified and then surveyed and photographed on 19th May 2021. In summary they are: 13 platforms, probably shieling huts (Structures 2, 4-13, 18,23); 3 small circular structures, possibly dairies (Structures 16, 21, 22); 2 stone- defined platforms of indeterminate function (Structures 17, 19); 1 stone-defined pit, possibly a lambing pen (Structure 14) The thirteen platforms were set out from the slope often with a recess into the bank on the uphill side and buttressing on the downhill side. They tended to be rectangular or sub-rectangular, orientated SW-NE, constructed of turf with, or occasionally without, a stone base. Entrances were rarely identifiable as the walls were invariably eroded and insubstantial, usually 0.2 - 0.6m high, suggesting that these structures are quite old. Expert opinion on site suggested >200 years old. The main identifiable features were the platforms jutting out from the slope. Amongst the shieling huts are three rounded scoops built into the slope, with an elongated entrance or channel downslope. The walls are of stone, up to 0.5m high, 0.5m thick. These relatively small structures could not have been dwellings. They could possibly be lambing pens, or more likely dairies in which butter and cheese were made or stored. Two of the platforms (Structures 17 & 19) had traces of stones on them, which could be the remains of shielings or could possibly just be natural platforms in the slope with tumbled stone. Lastly, Structure 14, is a small circular ring of large stones, 1.0m x 0.8m, with walls 0.8m thick and up to 0.25m high. The centre seemed lower than the surrounding ground. There was no entrance to this structure, which could represent a lambing pen. A larger circular stone structure, probably a roundhouse (Structure 3) was also recorded (see MHG62334). Most of the features are clustered but there are two outliers c.170m to the southwest. <1>

GIS spatial data created in 2021 based on the location of some of the features as seen on 2020 vertical aerial photographs (which is c.10m to the northwest of those given in the report and which may be accounted for as an inaccuracy with hand-held GPS). <2>

Sources/Archives (2)


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    HER data © Highland Council
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Grid reference Centred NH 4709 4790 (258m by 238m) (3 map features)
Map sheet NH44NE
Civil Parish KILMORACK
Geographical Area INVERNESS

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