MHG6866 - Finglack


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  • FIELD SYSTEM (Undated)

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Full Description

NH74SE 21 777 448.

Centred at NH 777 448 on a flat-topped ridge is a settlement of three circular stone-walled huts (A - C). There are a few denuded stone clearnace heaps, lynchets, and traces of field walls in the vicinity of the huts and extending to about 200m to the NE of hut 'C', but cultivation contemporary with a depopulated farmstead, and later, has obscured details of cultivation plots contemporary with the huts, and has also mutilated the huts. Hut diameters are given between wall centres.
Hut 'A' is c. 9.5m in diameter with the wall spread to an indeterminate width. Several outer facing stones are evident in the NE arc. The entrance is not apparent.
Hut 'B' is ill-defined by a wall of indeternimate thickness, and measures c. 10.0m in diameter. The entrance is not apparent.
Hut 'C', overgrown with broom, is c. 11.5m in diameter with occasional outer facing stones evident in the denuded wall. The entrance is not apparent.
Another hut 'D', overgrown with bracken, measures c. 11.0m in diameter between the centres of an ill- defined wall. A gap in the NE may indicate the entrance.
About 30.0m E of hut 'B' is another structure, possibly a denuded hut. It consists of semi-circular stony bank spread to 3.0m and measuring c. 11.0m E-W between its centres, and open to the S, where there is no trace of it.
Settlement surveyed at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (I S S) 30 December 1971.

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Grid reference Centred NH 7770 4480 (30m by 30m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH74SE
Geographical Area NAIRN

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