MHG9788 - Creagan Mor


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Type and Period (2)

  • FARMSTEAD (Undated)
  • FIELD SYSTEM (Undated)

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  • None recorded
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Full Description

NC90NW 18 927 087.

About a mile away from earth-house near Kintradwell Burn are several sepulchral like tumuli scattered on the hill-side. 3 have been partially excavated and they were found to be evidently of artificial construction. The interior of one contained several large slabs set on edge forming a rectangular enclosure about 10ft long. This mound, the largest, seemed to have been previously disturbed. J M Joass 1865.

Centred: NC 927 087. This is an extensive field system occupying about 16 hectares of open moorland, with later cultivation encroaching on its lower S side. It is well preserved throughout its whole area. Many field plots, average size 20.0m square, are evident delineated by stone clearance heaps and lynchets, the former being somewhat larger than the type commonly associated with hut circles. No huts can be seen.
The mound containing "several large slabs set on edge" (Joass 1865) is at NC 922 085, on the slope among mounds of similar size; the position is not prominent. Only 2 slabs set on edge are visible and these are set too far apart to have formed a cist.
Visited by OS (J B) 22 January 1976.

On the SE-facing slopes of Creagan Mor, centred at NC 9265 0855 are a series of ruinous buildings and associated enclosures, the major structures having been 'terraced' into the hillside. (The buildings are shown as roofed on OS 6-inch map, Sutherland, 1st ed. (1879), sheet xcviii.) The surrounding area is covered in clearance cairns, as well as a few sub-circular structures and two cairns with hollowed centres. Sponsor: Historic Scotland
J Harden 1991.

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NC 9267 0866 (1031m by 424m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NC90NW
Geographical Area SUTHERLAND
Civil Parish LOTH

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