EHG4795 - DBA and walkover survey - Dounreay Offshore Wind Farm Onshore Section
Oct 2015
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A desk-based archaeological assessment and walkover survey were undertaken by ORCA in 2015 of land adjacent Sandside Bay, Reay, Caithness, in advance of a proposed offshore wind farm development. The assessment and survey combined identified a total of 61 sites within the onshore study area. The sites within the onshore site boundary include examples from the Neolithic through to Modern periods and range from High significance/importance to Negligible significance/importance. Their presence serves to demonstrate the rich archaeological landscape in which the onshore study area is situated and suggests that there is low to high potential for unknown archaeological sites to be present within the study area. <1>
The assessment was used to inform a full Environmental Statement as was inlcluded within the report as Appendix 16.1. <2>
The onshore section of the proposed project was also surveyed (see EHG5048).
The assessment and survey were subsequently re-used for a renewed Environmment Impact Assessment in 2022. <3>
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SHG27169 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Strickland, J.. 2015. Dounreay Trì Offshore Wind Farm - Onshore Historic Environment Baseline Assessment. ORCA. Digital.
- <2> SHG27680 Text/Report/Environmental Statement: ORCA. 2017. Environmental Statement - Dounreay Trì Floating Wind Demonstration Project (CuLtural Heritage). ORCA. Digital.
- <3> SHG29274 Text/Report/Environmental Statement: Sharman, P.. 2022. Pentland floating offshore wind farm Onshore EIAR: Planning Application and Additional Supporting Documents (Cultural Heritage). Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA). 09/01/2023. Digital.
Location | Land adjacent Sandside Bay, Reay, Caithness |
Grid reference | Centred NC 9754 6580 (3089m by 2096m) |
Map sheet | NC96NE |
Civil Parish | REAY |
Geographical Area | CAITHNESS |
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- MHG62984 Occupation layer - Dounreay (Monument)
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Jul 31 2023 9:54AM