EHG5757 - Watching brief - Re-wilding Centre, Dundreggan
AOC Archaeology Group
July 2021-April 2022
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An archaeological watching brief was carried out by AOC Archaeology Group in 2021-22 on land surrounding Dundreggan Lodge, Glenmoriston, Inverness prior to the construction of residential accommodation, educational facilities, cafe, and biomass heating centre. The watching brief was required due to the site’s location within an area of known archaeological potential, including its close proximity to a Scheduled Monument, a medieval motte site (SM11875), and the presence of an archaeological site, a structure identified during a walkover survey. In October 2020, a large trench encompassing an area of 13.4m² had been excavated over the potential location of the entrance and banks/walls of the structure (see EHG5756). Fieldwork was carried out intermittently between 6th July 2021 and 29th April 2022. Ten trial pits were excavated across the development site on 6th July 2021. The trial pits were generally between 3m² and 5m² but no archaeological features or deposits were identified. One sherd of 19th/20th century white glazed ceramic was identified in TP5. Six areas of the site were stripped of topsoil comprising areas for a new visitor car park, re-wilding centre, access improvements, a temporary access track, substation, and residential accommodation. Two possible stone clearance deposits and remnants of Dundreggan Shooting Lodge were identified. Furthermore, the full extent of the post-medieval structure, evaluated in 2020, was exposed and recorded. A cable trench measuring up to 0.50m wide was excavated at the northern edge of the site prior to undergrounding of an overhead power line. The excavation was not monitored, however, the trench was left open to allow archaeological inspection of the trench sections. Two possible boundary walls were identified within the cable trench close to the northwest end of Area 2. <1>
See updated report for results of all the fieldwork: a programme of post excavation analysis was carried out on the environmental remains recovered from samples collected during the fieldwork. The artefacts predominantly dated to the 19th/20th century and included ceramic, glass, metal, and stone. In addition, a small programme of radiocarbon dating was undertaken on two samples. <2>
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1>XY SHG29021 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Stirling, L. & Murray, C.. 2022. Dundreggan Re-wilding Centre, Glenmoriston, Inverness: Archaeological Watching Brief Data Structure Report. AOC Archaeology Group. 08/06/2022. Digital. [Mapped feature: #12447 ]
- <2>XY SHG29524 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Murray, C.. 2023. Dundreggan Rewilding Centre, Glenmoriston, Inverness: Archaeological Evaluation and Watching Brief Updated Data Structure Report. AOC Archaeology Group. 05/12/2023. Digital. [Mapped feature: #13923 Monitored areas, ]
Location | Re-wilding Centre, Dundreggan |
Grid reference | Centred NH 3300 1463 (487m by 185m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NH31SW |
Geographical Area | INVERNESS |
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Record last edited
Jan 22 2024 2:47PM