MHG33471 - Old Inverness to Elgin road


The line of the old road between Inverness and Elgin where it departs from the current A96 at Tornagrain to the current B9006 near Woodend, where the line of the road still continues eastwards.

Type and Period (1)

  • ROAD (Undated)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

The line of the old road between Inverness and Elgin where it departs from the current A96 at Tornagrain to the current B9006 near Woodend, where the line of the road still continues eastwards.

Line of old road visible across the field at Tornagrain. Information supplied by Mr Brennan, 1997

It was noted as being of 'other importance' during a desk-based assessment and walkover survey by SUAT in 2002 for a new access road to Inverness Airport from the A96 but its course lay outside the area to be affected by the new road. <1>

A watching brief was carried out by SUAT in 2005 as part of works connected to the new access route for Inverness Airport. Area 6 of the work was carried out immedietaley south of Mid Coul on part of the line of the former road. No earlier road surfaces were exposed. Work did, however, expose part of a dyke, 1m high and 0.25m wide but no dateable finds were recovered. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NH 7825 5055 (3505m by 1340m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH75SE
Civil Parish PETTY
Geographical Area INVERNESS

Finds (0)

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Related Investigations/Events (1)

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