MHG33521 - Standing stone - E of former church, Kilvannie Manor


The Eastern standing stone of a pair either side of the former church at Kilvannie.

Type and Period (1)

  • STANDING STONE (Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC? to 551 BC?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

NH45NE 1 4993 5934 to 5000 5936.

(NH 4993 5934) Standing Stone (NR) (NH 5000 5936) Standing Stone (NR) OS 6"map,(1938)

On each side of the church are two standing-stones. The tradition exists that Fin Mac Coul, the Fingal of Ossian, threw these, from Knockfarrel, upon his enemies. 'In confirmation of this, the marks of a gigantic finger and thumb are still pointed out on one of them. Some are of opinion that they were used for offering up sacrifice in the time of the Druids, as the larger of the two has the appearance of being burnt from top to bottom'. <1>

Western stone, 5' high (Name Book 1876) <2>, bears a large cup mark (D MacDonald, A Polson & J Brown 1931) <3>. The eastern stone stands 4' high.(Name Book 1876).

The W stone measures 0.9m x 0.9m and is 2.2m high. The "large cup mark" is about half way up W face and is 0.2m in diameter and 0.1m deep and appears to be a mortise or socket hole. An apparently natural fissure on E face at about same level appears to have been artificially hollowed to form another mortise about 0.3m diameter and 0.15m deep. The stone is surrounded by an iron protection rail. Resurveyed at 1:2500.
E stone is 1.6m high and roughly cylindrical, 0.9m diameter. It is surrounded by an iron protection rail.
Visited by OS (I S S) 13 September 1973

A possible solar alignment was explored here by D Scott in 1986. An alignment was suggested with a third stone, 1,230m to the W (see MHG54214), possibly to determine the sun at the equinoxes. <4>

NH45NE 1 49935934 and 50005936
No change. Visited by RCAMS (JRS) March 1989.

Axe-like carvings are visible on a photograph submitted by D Scott to the HER in November 2010. Two possible axe shapes are visible, carved in relief at the base of the stone. A third mark further up the stone appears to be of natural origin. <5>

Sources/Archives (5)



Grid reference Centred NH 5000 5936 (10m by 10m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH55NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Civil Parish FODDERTY

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