MHG35877 - Settlement - Glac Mhor


No summary available.

Type and Period (3)

  • KILN BARN (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • FARMSTEAD (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)
  • LIME KILN (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded

Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NH91SE 9 centred 9550 1465

A farmstead, situated on a level terrace at the foot of the N side of Craiggowrie, was recorded during a pre-afforestation survey at Craig Pityoulish and Craiggowrie. The township comprises four buildings, a kiln-barn, a limekiln and numerous clearance cairns.
The largest building (NMRS MS 899/170, no.2a) measures 15m from NE to SW by 6m with walls ranging from 0.75m to 0.9m in width and standing up to 0.4m in height. The entrance is on the SE side. Within, there is a partition, possibly the site of a fireplace, about 10m from the NE end.
On the SW, there is a shallow cut (NMRS MS 899/170, no.2c) with a stone-revetment on the NW, measuring 7.5m from NE to SW by 4m and 0.4m deep at the SW tapering up to ground level on the NE. It is possibly a 'loading-ramp' similar to that observed at Allt Garbh (NH91SE 1). A second large building (NMRS MS 899/170, no.2b), measuring 13m from NE to SW by 6m with 0.6m thick walls standing up to 0.4m in height, lies to the SW. There is a single partition 4m from the NE end and each compartment has an entrance in the SE wall. A small building (NMRS MS 899/170, no.2e), much obscured by stone dumping and measuring 5m from NW to SE by 4m with 0.5m thick walls standing up to 0.3m in height, lies to the S of the SW end. The kiln-barn (NMRS MS 899/170, no.2d), which lies to the SE of the buildings, measures 13m by 5m with walls generally measuring up to 0.6m in thickness though towards the bowl at the SE end they approach up to 1.5m in width. The stone-lined kiln-bowl measures 1.5m in diameter but there is no flue visible.
Immediately W of the farmstead buildings, there is a low stone and turf bank-defined enclosure with a poorly-defined rectangular structure attached on the SW.
A limekiln (NMRS MS 899/170, no.2g) lies to the W of the farmstead. It measures 5m diameter and standing up to 0.75m in height. It appears that the kiln was rebuilt at some stage as a much narrower build overlies substantial 1m thick walls. The structure is depicted on the 2nd edition of the OS 6-inch map (Invernesshire 1903, sheet lix) and annotated 'Lime Kiln'.
There are extensive traces of clearance, both clearance cairns and more extensive spreads of stone against buildings, banks and knolls, around the farmstead, most particularly in areas of recent muirburn. Some of the cairns have been robbed, or dug into to form shelters though in some cases there may be cairns dumped over existing shelters. Additionally, there are a number of man-made pits, up to 2m in diameter, scattered over the area.
A fourth building (NMRS MS 899/170, no.2j) lies some 250m to the W of the farmstead. It measures 11m by 3.5m with 0.75m wide walls standing up to 0.4m in height. A short length of bank extends NW from the NW corner of the building.
T Holden and M Dalland (Headland Archaeology) 25 June 1999; NMRS MS 899/170, no.2

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Grid reference Centred NH 9550 1465 (30m by 30m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH91SE

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