MHG37298 - Lithic Scatter - Ashaig 3


An open air lithic scatter site investigated during the Scotland's First Settlers Project during which 8 lithics were recovered.

Type and Period (1)

  • LITHIC SCATTER (Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age - 8000 BC? to 551 BC?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

Created automatically by NMRS Register Utility
User: Admin, Date: Wed 13 Oct 2004
NG62SE 36 6922 2410
The following sites were recorded between October 1999 and May 2000 as part of the Scotland's First Settlers Project (See DES 2000, 44):
NG 6922 2410 Ashaig 3 Lithic scatter.
A full report has been lodged with the NMRS.
Sponsors: Historic Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Society of Antiquaries of London, Prehistoric Society, Russell Trust, Applecross Estates Trust, Munro Fund, University of Edinburgh, Ross and Cromarty Enterprise, Leader 11, CFA, private donations.
K Hardy and C Wickham-Jones 2000

An open air lithic scatter site investigated by the Scotland's First Settlers Project. A surface scatter of 8 lithics was made. These were mainly regular flakes of chalcedonic silica, but there were also single pieces of Rùm bloodstone and quartz, and an edge retouched flake of chalcedonic silica. The lithics are undiagnostic but they suggest prehistoric activity in the vicinity and this would be supported by the lack of other recent finds such as pottery or metal. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NG 6921 2410 (30m by 30m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG62SE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish STRATH

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