MHG40186 - Possible trackway - Allanfearn


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  • TRACKWAY? (Unknown date)

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Full Description

A geophysical survey was carried out by GUARD in 1993 in advance of a proposed new sewage treatment plant at Allanfearn to the northeast of Inverness. Part of the survey area included a group of scheduled barrows known only as cropmarks. In the south end of field 1, and south of the Scheduled area, a circular anomaly (marked as 'G') was shown by relatively high readings. It was considered possible that it indicated a possible hut circle. <1>

An excavation by GUARD in 1995-6 prior to the construction of a new sewage treatment works at Allanfearn to the northeast of Inverness revealed a series of enigmatic deposits. A circular geophysical anomaly was identified at location G and a trench measuring 17m x 16m was topsoil stripped to examine the possible feature. No circular feature was present but a silt filled linear feature ran roughly northeast/southwest at the northwest end of the trench and may have been responsible for the presence of the anomaly. The trench was extended no further but the linear feature warranted further investigation during the excavation phase. The linear ditch-like feature with its compact stony fill probably represented a trackway or path possibly with evidence of wheel runnels. The main make up of the path was a compact stony layer containing rounded cobbles and gravel. The surface of the path had become washed over with silt and gravel. Evidence for a small temporary fire was present to the north side of the path. In the small length exposed it ran parallel to the Moray Firth shoreline and may represent an early route along the shore. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Grid reference Centred NH 7122 4748 (10m by 10m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH74NW
Geographical Area INVERNESS

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