MHG52708 - Ruined Building - Glencansip Lodge
No summary available.
Type and Period (1)
- BUILDING (Built, 19th Century - 1850 AD to 1850 AD)
Protected Status
- None recorded
Full Description
The remains of a much ruined building. One gable wall remains standing, albeit in very poor condition. The remainder of the building survives to a few courses but is highly unstable. Internally it has been invaded by vegetation <1>, <2>
Surveyed by the Assynt's Hidden Lives project in December 2009. This building uses varied rubble, roughly brought to course and bound by a lime mortar. The construction makes use of frequent pinning and checking stones. The building sub-divided into two compartments, with the gables partially preserved. The otherwise ruinous walls are reduced to below cill level and there is no obvious entrance. There is a probable fire place in NW gable. The walls of the building are 0.7m wide, comprising two faces with a rubble core.The structure is aligned NW-SE abutting a dry stone dyke at its SE end. This wall may form enclosure yard tied to building. <3>
An archaeological desktop and walkover survey were undertaken by Historic Assynt in 2015 in an area of proposed woodland expansion in Glencanisp, Lochinver, Sutherland.
Site 1: Glencanisp Lodge FCS category B; A ruined, two compartment, lime mortared building close to, but inside the perimeter wall around Glencanisp Lodge. <4>
NGR adjusted based on 2009 vertical aerial photographs. <5>
Sources/Archives (5)
- <1> SHG23286 Verbal Communication: Puls, A. Comment by Andrew Puls, HC Archaeologist.
- <2> SHG23993 Image/Photograph(s): Puls, A. Site Visit Photographs. Colour. . Digital.
- <3> SHG24882 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Cavers, G. & Hudson, G.. 05/2010. Assynt's Hidden Lives: An archaeological survey of the parish. AOC Archaeology Group and Historic Assynt. 01/08/2010. Digital. 69, p.95.
- <4> SHG29795 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Sleight, G. & Sutherland, S.. 2015. Report of Archaeological Desktop & Walkover Survey: Glencanisp Woodland Expansion Scheme Centred on NC 125 215. Historic Assynt. 22/03/2019. Digital. Site 1.
- <5> SHG27382 Image/Photograph(s)/Aerial Photograph/Vertical: Get Mapping. 2009. Getmapping aerial photography 2009. XY
Grid reference | Centred NC 1179 2219 (17m by 16m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | NC12SW |
Geographical Area | SUTHERLAND |
Civil Parish | ASSYNT |
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