MHG57224 - Hut circle - Creag Nam Meann (Kingsburgh 18)


A hut circle within the defences of the fort at Creag Nam Meann, Skye.

Type and Period (1)

  • HUT CIRCLE (Neolithic to Late Iron Age - 4000 BC? to 560 AD?)

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

A hut circle within the defences of the fort at Creag Nam Meann, Skye.

NG45NW 1 4021 5552.

(NG 4021 5552) On Creag nam Meann are the remains of a stone-walled fort. An irregular oval on plan orientated almost N-S and measuring 170ft in length and 82ft in breadth at its widest part. It has been defended by a stone wall practically obliterated on the W flank and appearing as a tumbled mass of stone 2ft high on the opposite side. This wall diverges from the regular line at places following the cliff edge projections. Both ends have been defended by an outer wall. The entrance is from the SE corner of the ridge and between the inner and outer defence is walled on both sides. Immediately within the outer defence, to the left, is a hut circle 13ft in diameter abutting on the inside of the wall and there are traces of two impinging hut circles further W.

Within the fort are three more circular stone huts and in the SW are indications of two large curvilinear enclosures. At the N end of the enclosed area in the body of the wall which widens to 27ft are several indeterminate structures. <1>

This fort is as described by RCAHMS except that it measures c. 91.0m in length. The hut circles between the southern outer defence and the main enclosure are very indeterminate.
Visited by OS (C F W) 2 May 1961.

140173 855513 Kingsburgh 18 EB227: The hut circle was visited by A Welti and A MacInnes in 2010 as part of research for a dissertation on hut circles in Wester Ross. This was part of a degree course overseen by Aberdeen University. This circular stone structure is one of 3 structures on top of Dun. EB226 (see MHG57221) is on adjacent crag. The structures are on fairly level turf on top of the Dun. Average measurements taken using photos (see photo file) as volunteer form missing. Scale is included in each photo so measurements will be quite accurate. Inner diameter is 6.5m, outer diameter is 7.5m. Double skinned wall is 1m thick with max height 0.4m A probable entrance has SE orientation, with average width 1m. EB227 is associated with EB228 (see MHG57225) and EB229 (see MHG57226) also on top of the dun, and EB226 100m away on adjacent crag. <2> <3>

[Note: a database was set up as part of research for the dissertation and was subsequently expanded as an extension of the We Digs Project (see website link below). The full access database can be made available to enquirers/researchers if requested - contact HER for details]

Note: NGR adjusted to position as seen on 1999-2001 vertical APs [IS-L 08/02/2017].

Sources/Archives (3)



Grid reference Centred NG 4023 5551 (11m by 11m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG45NW
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish SNIZORT

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