MHG62048 - Sheep shelter - Shurrery, Caithness


An early C19 sheep shelter at Shurrery, Caithness.

Type and Period (1)

  • SHEEP SHELTER (19th Century - 1839 AD? (at some time) to 1850 AD? (at some time))

Protected Status

  • None recorded
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Full Description

An early C19 sheep shelter at Shurrery, Caithness.

The feature was recorded by C Dagg during a pre-afforestation project walkover survey in 2004. Sheep Shelter at ND 0337 5732. Typical Caithness sheep shelter of curved-H type, of drystone construction. Part of the central wall rises only a few courses, with little surrounding rubble, and was either not completed or subsequently robbed. This is sited on dry grassy high ground, and it is likely that it utilizes stone from previous structures, particularly as there are hut circles to the north and SE. It lies within the head dyke (see MHG62046) and was probably constructed when the township was cleared in 1839. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)



Grid reference Centred ND 0336 5732 (50m by 50m) (2 map features)
Map sheet ND05NW
Civil Parish REAY
Geographical Area CAITHNESS

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