EHG3167 - Survey and watching brief - Borve, Skye



Alba Archaeology Ltd


Apr-May 2008

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A watching brief was undertaken by Alba Archaeology in April – May 2008, on a residential development in an area containing known archaeological sites, including a dun and to the north a line of standing stones. Early prehistoric field boundaries were also clearly visible across the area. During the work a souterrain with an associated heat affected paved area was revealed. The souterrain had been wholly infilled and a number of sherds were removed from a small sondage. The pre-clearance structures recorded may be a combination of Bronze Age walling and 18th-century builds. In one area a dog-legged arrangement of slabs with an associated compact layer was recorded. This may be historic or another souterrain. Work was halted and a protective boundary fence erected. One house was built on cleared ground to the W of the souterrain. <1> An interim report on this work, prepared in April 2008. Includes initial plans and a selection of photographs. <2>

Sources/Archives (3)



Location Borve, Skye
Grid reference Centred NG 45594 47662 (105m by 101m) (3 map features)
Map sheet NG44NE
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Civil Parish SNIZORT

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Possible souterrain - Borve, Skye (Monument)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Sep 29 2020 3:37PM

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