EHG4477 - Monitored Topsoil Strip - Ness Gap, Fortrose



Headland Archaeology Ltd


Oct 2014

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Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd was commissioned to undertake a monitored topsoil strip of a 3.6ha plot at Ness Gap, Fortrose in advance of a planned housing development by Tulloch Homes Ltd. This work follows on from earlier phases of desk-based assessment, monitoring and evaluation. The results show two phases of activity on the site – a period of early Bronze Age activity and a series of modern pits and ditches. The early Bronze Age period is represented by five urned cremations (including two complete cordoned urns), two unurned cremations, two or possibly three cists and several small pits containing pottery. Typologically, these remains could span a broad period between c 2150 and 1500 BC, although they may also be closely contemporary. This will be better understood with further analysis. The modern pits and ditches are likely to relate to recent agricultural activity, although their specific purpose was not clear.<1> A final report was published in 2020. This included post-excavation and radiocarbon dating results. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)



Location Ness gap site, Ness Road, Fortrose
Grid reference Centred NH 7332 5648 (322m by 203m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NH75NW
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY

Related Monuments/Buildings (5)

  • Bronze Age pits - Ness Gap, Fortrose (Monument)
  • Pit Cluster - Ness Gap, Fortrose (Monument)
  • Probable cist and associated linear feature, Ness Gap, Fortrose (Monument)
  • Stone Cists - Ness Gap, Fortrose (Monument)
  • Urned and unurned cremation burials - Ness Gap, Fortrose (Monument)

External Links (1)

Record last edited

Aug 20 2020 5:51PM

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