MHG57983 - Dyke, Lochournhead


Dyke, Lochournhead

Type and Period (1)

  • DYKE (Post Medieval - 1560 AD? to 1900 AD?)

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  • None recorded
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Full Description

This area was recorded by NOSAS in 2004 as part of an archaeological survey of Inner Loch Hourn.

A number of revetted platforms with round ended turf footings had been noted at Lochournhead in 2000 and subsequent years, but they had not been surveyed and recorded. One of the highlights of the 2004 survey was the survey of these sites, and the discovery of several more, spread over some distance, set into the foot of the steep ground outwith the 19th century head ditch and dyke enclosing the improved fields which make up the home farm at Lochournhead.

The interpretation is that they represent the remains of the earliest houses at Lochournhead and that they were creel houses i.e. with timber cruck frames supporting the hip ended thatched roofs, with walls of hazel wattle on the inside and turfs built up on the outside. Some of these remains are in defendable positions and could date back to the medieval period. 19th and 20th century farming has obliterated any visible evidence of early cultivation on the best ground but there is one substantial area of lazy beds on steep ground outwith the fields. The 19th century sheep fank and 20th century long stay car park have probably destroyed one or two more old houses.

Site 443. The remains of a turf and stone dyke running SW to NE, from improved ground to a rock face. The wall is more substantial at the SW end. <1>

In 2006, NOSAS returned to complete a more detailed survey of Kinlochourn and Lochournhead (p.41) which has been used to locate some of the sites.

Site 443. A turf and stone wall, in two sections, separated by crags. One section runs c 20m uphill to SW and the other section c 20m to N. <2>

NGR adjusted based on 1999-2001 Aps <3>

Sources/Archives (3)


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    HER data © Highland Council
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Grid reference Centred NG 9527 0641 (27m by 33m) (2 map features)
Map sheet NG90NE
Geographical Area LOCHABER

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