EHG3428 - Archaeological Survey of Inner Loch Hourn and Barrisdale Bay, 2004
North of Scotland Archaeological Society (NOSAS)
April 2004
Detailed walkover survey, carried out as a continuation of work carried out in 2002, in the area of Inner Loch Hourn and Barrisdale bay. <1>
The mapped extent of this event reflects the extent of mapping supplied by NOSAS; within the mapped areas, survey was largely limited to below the 20m contour. The new sites have yet to be added to the HER. <2>
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SHG25084 Text/Report/Fieldwork Report: Wombell, J.. 2004. A Report on the Archaeological Survey of Inner Loch Hourn and Barrisdale Bay by Members of NOSAS. North of Scotland Archaeological Society. Digital.
- <2> SHG24799 Verbal Communication: Carey, G. 2010-2011. Comment by Giles Carey, HER Officer. 14/01/2011.
Location | Inner Loch Hourn and Barrisdale Bay |
Grid reference | Centred NG 9107 0529 (10702m by 5078m) Total of mapped area; survey limited to accessible land on side of burns |
Map sheet | NG90NW |
Geographical Area | SKYE AND LOCHALSH |
Operational Area | ROSS SKYE AND LOCHABER |
Civil Parish | KILMONIVAIG |
Related Monuments/Buildings (188)
- MHG579243 Boundary wall, revetment, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579242 Bridge abutments, revetment, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57889 Bridge, Runival (Monument)
- MHG50973 Building platform, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57826 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57827 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57828 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57829 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57830 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57831 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57833 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57834 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57835 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
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- MHG57837 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57838 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57840 Building, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57802 Building, Allt a’Chuirn (Monument)
- MHG57796 Building, Ambraig, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG58007 Building, Ambraig, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57903 Building, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG27230 Building, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57821 Building, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57965 Building, Caolas an Loch Bhig (South) (Monument)
- MHG57853 Building, Leac an Aiseig (Monument)
- MHG50974 Building, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG50975 Building, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57976 Building, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57982 Building, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57985 Building, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57979 Building, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57973 Building, platform, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57974 Building, platform, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57977 Building, platform, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57978 Building, platform, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57839 Building, possible mill, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57880 Building, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57881 Building, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57882 Building, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57883 Building, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57884 Building, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57885 Building, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57886 Building, Runival (Monument)
- MHG579236 Building, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579237 Building, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579238 Building, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579239 Building, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579240 Building, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57832 Building, wall, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG579241 Building/barn, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG18591 Buildings, Camas Ban, Loch Hourn (Monument)
- MHG57966 Buildings, platform, linear feature, Caolas an Loch Bhig (South) (Monument)
- MHG57902 Buildings/enclosures, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG57801 Cairn and oval structure, Ambraig, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57841 Cairn, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57788 Cairn, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57909 Cairn, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG57923 Cairnfield and lazy beds, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57842 Cairnfield, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57918 Cairnfield, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57919 Cairnfield, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57921 Cairnfield, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57925 Cairnfield, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57846 Circular feature, possible corn drying kiln. Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57876 Clearance cairn, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57877 Clearance cairn, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57878 Clearance cairn, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57879 Clearance cairn, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57916 Clearance cairn, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57843 Clearance cairns, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57915 Clearance cairns, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57864 Cleared beach and jetty, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57847 Cleared beach, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57895 Cleared beach, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG579233 Cleared beach, Caolas an Loch Bhig (South) (Monument)
- MHG57964 Cleared beach, Caolas an Loch Bhig (South) (Monument)
- MHG57849 Cleared beach, Leac an Aiseig (Monument)
- MHG57911 Cleared beach, pier and naust, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57861 Cleared beach, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57862 Cleared beach, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57863 Cleared beach, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57865 Cleared beach, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57866 Cleared beach, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57910 Cleared beaches, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG58000 Corn drying kiln, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57962 Dam, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG58015 Duck flighting pond, Ambraig, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57983 Dyke, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG579245 Dyke, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579246 Dyke, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579253 Dyke, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57890 Earthbank, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57870 Embankment, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57871 Embankment, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57872 Embankment, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57874 Embankment, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57875 Embankment, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57888 Embankment, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57873 Embankment/clearance cairn, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57797 Enclosure and clearance cairns, Ambraig, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57848 Enclosure and wall, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57947 Enclosure dyke, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57986 Enclosure dyke, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579260 Enclosure, sheepfold, pen, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579250 Enclosure, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579252 Enclosure, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579251 Enclosure/kaleyard, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG27273 Enclosure/pen, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57791 Enclosures/sheepfolds, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG27227 Farmstead, enclosure and possible corn drying and lime kilns, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG27234 Farmstead, enclosure, sheepcreep and earthbank, Tomnaheilde, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57887 Field dyke, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57908 Field wall, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG56908 Fish trap - Barrisdale, Loch Hourn (Monument)
- MHG57787 Fish trap, Creag Beithe (Monument)
- MHG57819 Gravel quarry, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57967 Gravemarker, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG58001 Head dyke, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57860 Hut, Allt an t’Sear Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57972 Ice house - Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57963 Jetty, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG58009 Lade/ditch, Ambraig, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57850 Landing place, Leac an Aiseig (Monument)
- MHG57851 Landing place, Leac an Aiseig (Monument)
- MHG57852 Landing place, Leac an Aiseig (Monument)
- MHG57969 Lazy beds, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57803 Lazy beds? Turf dyke, enclosure, Allt a’Chuirn (Monument)
- MHG579235 Lazybeds, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG58012 Linear earth bank, Ambraig, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG579249 Linear feature, revetment, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57988 Midden pit, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57914 Mill, mill pond, lade and buildings, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57894 Naust, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG57816 Naust, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57820 Naust, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57867 Naust, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57868 Naust, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57869 Naust, Runival (Monument)
- MHG57926 Naust, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57927 Naust, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579232 Naust, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57930 Nausts, mooring point and storage area, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57912 Pier and naust, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57913 Pier, landing point and naust, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57961 Pier, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57844 Platform, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57845 Platform, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57979 Platform, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57981 Platform, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57793 Platform/earthbank, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57805 Possible still and rock shelters, Allt a’Chuirn (Monument)
- MHG57817 Quarry or pond, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57818 Quarry or pond, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57857 Retaining wall, Allt an t’Sear Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57810 Revetment wall and platform, Barrisdale (Monument)
- MHG57825 Rig and furrow, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57813 Rig and furrow, Allt a’Chuirn (Monument)
- MHG57789 Rig and furrow, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57790 Rig and furrow, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57824 Rig and furrow, cultivation remains, Allt a’Chaolas Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57794 Rig and furrow, Tomnaheilde, Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57822 Rig and furrow/path, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57821 Rig and furrow/path, Camas Liathach (Monument)
- MHG57970 Rock shelter, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG57971 Rock shelter, Lochournhead (Monument)
- MHG579254 Schoolhouse, building, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG18647 Settlement, Allt A Chaolas Bhig, Loch Hourn (Monument)
- MHG579234 Sheepfank, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579259 Shieling enclosure, pen and platform, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579258 Shieling hut and pen, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57855 Shieling hut, Allt an t’Sear Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57856 Shieling hut, Allt an t’Sear Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57859 Shieling hut, Allt an t’Sear Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57896 Shieling hut, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG579255 Shieling hut, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579256 Shieling hut, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579257 Shieling hut, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57854 Stone shelter, Allt an t’Sear Bhig (Monument)
- MHG57812 Structure, Barrisdale (Monument)
- MHG57904 Structure, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG57905 Structure, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG57907 Structure, Camas Ban (Monument)
- MHG57792 Structure/pen? Allt Calg Choire (Monument)
- MHG57858 Wall, Allt an t’Sear Bhig (Monument)
- MHG579248 Wall, revetment, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG579244 Wall, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG58003 Wall, Skiary (Monument)
- MHG57968 Wharf/quay, Lochournhead (Monument)
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Record last edited
Jun 29 2018 12:10PM