EHG5869 - Walkover survey - woodland creation scheme, Fairburn Estate, Muir of Ord
West Coast Archaeological Services
July-Aug 2021
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A walkover survey was carried out by West Coast Archaeological Services in 2021 on behalf of Treeline Forestry Limited and Fairburn Estate in advance of proposed woodland creation schemes. The three survey areas included high-level glens and wild, upland moorland terrain located to the west of Muir of Ord and the lower reaches of Strathconon, within Highland Region. The three survey areas had already been partially covered by walkover surveys in the recent past which had recorded a relatively high density of sites. The walkover surveys recorded a total of 104 archaeological sites, some of these comprising groups of structures and archaeological features, such as shieling settlements, farmsteads and a significant number of prehistoric stone clearance cairns, providing additional detail to the archaeological record. The recorded sites included a complex range of structures relating to prehistoric settlement, along with post-medieval farmsteads and their associated infrastructure, and a wide range of structures relating to transhumance activities in the landscape. These included shieling settlements, stone-built storage cells, a sheepfold, stock enclosures and twinning pens. Overall, the archaeological sites recorded through the desk-based assessment and walkover surveys provided evidence for varied settlement and use of these upland landscapes throughout the prehistoric and historic periods; the later periods of use relating to the long-term settlement and more transient transhumance activities associated with the use of summer pastures and the management of cattle and sheep, and for the possible droving of livestock between different communities and to seasonal markets. <1>
Sources/Archives (1)
Location | Fairburn Estate, Muir of Ord |
Grid reference | Centred NH 4344 5137 (8161m by 6455m) (4 map features) |
Map sheet | NH45SW |
Geographical Area | ROSS AND CROMARTY |
Operational Area | ROSS SKYE AND LOCHABER |
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Record last edited
Jan 6 2025 2:41PM