EHG3772 - Heritage Along the Kyle Line - Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh



Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH)




ARCH undertook a research project into the existing heritage along the Kyle line between 2010 and 2012. Three groups, one each at Lochcarron, Achnasheen and Dingwall, researched this heritage, producing displays for each area and binders of information. A final class met to produce a leaflet featuring some of the heritage along this route, a display of Dingwall Station which celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2012, and MP3 commentaries. The project was part of ARCH's Stop, Look and Listen project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, the European Community LEADER 2007-2013 Programme, with support from Highland Council and Scotrail. A Microsoft Access database was produced to record changes to existing monuments in the Highland HER as well as new monuments. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)


No mapped location recorded.


Location Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh
Grid reference
Map sheet
Geographical Area ROSS AND CROMARTY
Geographical Area SKYE AND LOCHALSH
Geographical Area INVERNESS

Related Monuments/Buildings (28)

  • Balnacra, Locharron (Monument)
  • Bog Butter - Plockton, Loch Carron (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age Flanged Axe - Loch Dhugaill, Locharron (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age hoard - Heights of Brae (Find Spot)
  • Church of Scotland & Burial Ground - Kinlochluichart, Contin (Monument)
  • Cist & burial - Fodderty Farm, Fodderty (Monument)
  • Cist with Beaker - Achnasheen, Gairloch (Monument)
  • Cold War Monitoring post - Achnasheen, Gairloch (Monument)
  • Corn mill - Bridgend, Dingwall (Building)
  • Curling Pond - Dingwall, Ross and Cromarty (Monument)
  • Dingwall Canal - Dingwall, Ross and Cromarty (Monument)
  • Farmhouse and turbine house - Glensgaich, Fodderty (Monument)
  • Hydro Cottages - Lochluichart, Contin (Monument)
  • Jaw harp - Dingwall, Ross and Cromarty (Find Spot)
  • Kyle Lighthouse - Eilean Ban, Strath (Monument)
  • Landing place - North Strome, Locharron (Monument)
  • Macdonald Memorial - Mitchell Hill, Dingwall (Monument)
  • Mossford Power Station - Loch Luichart, Contin (Monument)
  • Quarry - Raven's Rock, Fodderty (Monument)
  • Railway Bridge - Fodderty, Ross and Cromarty (Monument)
  • Sentry hut - Fodderty, Ross and Cromarty (Monument)
  • Signalman's House - Fodderty, Ross and Cromarty (Monument)
  • St John the Baptist's Well - Fodderty, Ross and Cromarty (Monument)
  • Station and Pier - Kyle of Lochalsh, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Station and Pier - Kyle of Lochalsh, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • Strathpeffer Station - Achterneed, Fodderty (Monument)
  • Stromeferry, Lochalsh (Monument)
  • The Bunkhouse - Station Road, Plockton (Monument)

External Links (0)

Record last edited

Dec 17 2013 12:27PM

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